Understanding Midbody Remnants

Image of a midbody formed at the center of an intercellular bridge during mitosis.

Project collaborators

Ahna Skop, Department of Genetics
Finn Kuusisto, Data Science Institute

Project start and end dates

Spring 2023-present

Project summary

The midbody is a structure that is formed at the center of the intercellular bridge during telophase of the cell cycle. At abscission, the midbody (MB) is released as a large extracellular vesicle called the midbody remnant (MBR). Previously considered a “garbage can” of mitosis, it is now known that the MBRs are frequently bound and internalized by neighboring cells. It is also now known that MBs and MBRs contain protein and RNA payloads and are sites of active translation. The goal of this project is to identify cell-type specific MBR payloads, as well as the mechanisms of information transfer to other cells.

Project outputs/deliverables

  • A bioinformatics pipeline to quantify sequencing results
  • Differential expression analysis between cells and MBRs
  • Visualizations of all results